Q:Where are you located?
A:We are located at 112 Alexander Ave Lepanto, AR 72354.
Q:How long is the total process?
A:We complete all laundry within 24 hrs. If your order is completed any sooner you will receive a message from us letting you know that your order is complete.
Q:Is your business in your home?
A:Yes, we plan to expand in the future to open a Laundromat, Full Laundry Service and Dry Cleaners.
Q:Do I have to bring my own Detergent?
A:No, Here at 4 Way Laundry we take care of everything. We supply Everything from detergent to softener to bleach if needed.
Q:Do you have any Hypoallergenic detergent?
A: Yes, we have Hypoallergenic detergents for both adults and children.